By Dzung Ngo, November 18, 2018
We (the FTViet team) have just completed all plots of forest survey (20 x 20m) yesterday. During last 5 months, 100 plots were done in 4 sites of Tu Re, Tunnel 1, Station 74 and Station 9 in A Luoi and Nam Dong districts. This is the main part of the ecological research component in our FTViet project funded by R4D program.
Starting from Station #74 along the Road 74, our group of students and HUAF faculty paid the first visit in March. 2018, then survey team of FTViet made 03 preliminary surveys and testing 6 plots (02 per site) in Tu Re station (12-14 Apr.), Station 74 (15-17 Apr.), and Station 9 (18-20 Apr.).
During 24-29 May, we conducted survey of 10 plots in Tunnel 1 (Sao La NR) in A Roang commune. This site was so excited with pristine forests and abundant wildlife tracks. We could even record some sounds of douc langur (possibly Pygathrix nemaeus) and bird species along with these plots.
A revisit back to Station 74 was made during 15-20 June. During this time, we continued with 10 plots and laid out the transect for the next survey to complete all plots. The third time of surveying this site was during 23-27 Jul. with the last 13 plots done. We had new botanist joined us (Mr. Dien) and several students of forestry faculty.
Tu Re station was revisited the 2nd time during 09-16.07.2018 to complete 23 plots more as planned. This site can only be accessed by boat through Binh Dien hydropower reservoir. The second trip was done in a hard time due to low water level of the reservoir, and thus caused difficulty for the boat to travel upstream. The main forest types here include regeneration forests (after shifting cultivation at Huong Nguyen old village), riparian forests and some mixed woody forest with bamboo. We had a good opportunity to stay in Cha Linh – Mu Nu station as well to enjoy the triple stream junction where used to be a hot place of illegal harvesting and transporting timber.
During Aug. 2018, we completed 02 more sites to finish our schedule in Station 9 (Nam Dong end of Road 74) during 9-14 Aug. and Tunnel 1 (A Luoi end of Road 74) during 19-23 Aug. The last two surveys were crowded with two botanists (Dien and me) and Roland with other soil sampling experts (!). Most of soil augers were broken or bent due to hard hitting during soil sampling.
Finishing all 100 plots within 4 months, we felt very proud of our teamwork, efforts of all members and together we made a big leap on our next steps. This was a great achievement of our team, and also our project when looking back all hard working tasks (preparation, transportation, accommodation, paper work) and looking forward to next data analysis and writing.
Thank you all for our great team!
Dzung Ngo.
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